
Syllable Based Phonics in Other Languages (DRAFT)


Multiple Languages

Syllables in German, French, and Russian? (Poorly scanned)

Neue Methode spielend und in sehr kurzer Zeit Kinder lesen zu lehren by M. Blemer, Leipzig, 1789


Modern syllable method, may have free PDF version:

Manuel de lecture and Manuel d'ecriture, from La librairie des Ecoles

French Primer with Syllabary?

Petit Cadeau Destine Aux Enfans, ou Nouvel ABC Francais by L'Abbe Mozin, 1831


German Catholic Primer with syllables:

ABC und Lesebuch fur die katholische Schuljugend in Rheinbaiern by Ritter, 1827


How to teach syllalbes, with syllabary:

Nueva arte de ensenar a leer a los ninos de las escuelas, by Vicente Naharro, Madrid, 1824

Another how to teach syllalbes, with syllabary:

Ensenanza universal de les primeras letras en tres partes by Domingo Bacas Roxo, Madrid, 1832

Spanish Primer with syllables:

Cartilla filologica espanola: Primer libro de lecture by Francisco Ferrer Guardia, Barcelona, 1908

Another Spanish Primer with syllables:

Abecedario ilustrado: Libro primero de lectura escrito con un metodo especial by Lorenzo Campano, Mexico, 1881

A Third Spanish Primer with syllables:

Libro primero para uso de los ninos by Enrique Mandevil, Barcelona, 1892

Its follow on book, still broken into syllables:

Libro segundo by Enrique Mandevil, New York, 1880


Overview of Russian Primers, 1574 - 1974 (Prevew only)

Russian Primer with Syllabary, Moscow, 1831